Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security in Nepal, India and Bangladesh


Tatwa P. Timsina
Krishna Kumar Shrestha


Background: climate change is the global problem which causes a direct effect on food and water security, poverty, energy security, economic instability etc. As the average temperature is increasing, the climate is also changing at global level. The impacts of climate change are becoming apparent in almost all the countries including Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Objective: the objective of this study is to assess the impacts of climate change on agriculture system including food security issues. Methodology: the study followed descriptive as well as analytical cross-sectional research design and covered 420 households, 140 HH from each country. The respondents were selected by following simple random sampling and structured questionnaires were applied. The data were analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency table, cross tabs and chi-square. Results: The study found the impacts of climate change on agriculture systems and the food security. This has been tackled by changing the types of crops. The food insufficiency is also reported in the study area for about five months and the communities are practicing off-farm production as an adaptation measure. In all three countries, market was reported as the first major reason for crop-related changes followed by land and labor. Conclusion: there was significant association found among the three countries regarding the changes of crops. Similarly, significant association was also reported between the new crops adoption, sufficiency of food production and status of food insure among three countries.


How to Cite
Timsina, T. P., & Shrestha, K. K. (2014). Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security in Nepal, India and Bangladesh. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(3). Retrieved from