Design and Verification of OCP-AHB Bus Wrapper


Guruprasad A. T.
Manojkumar S. B.


As the design of SoC is getting more and more complicated, the IPs (Intellectual Property) reuse ability increasing is the key issue to improve the time of the embedded systems development and integration. However, the different SoC design nature will affect the IPs reuse ability, such as in different system bus. In this paper we have implemented a standard OCP-AHB bus wrapper bridge. By this wrapper bridge, the IP with OCP interface can connect to AMBA AHB bus rapidly, and IP designer can focus on the development of IP functionalities without considering the data transaction in different interconnects. This will minimize the IPs development time, and maximize the reuse ability. As a result the system integration and verification can be fastened.


How to Cite
T., G. A., & B., M. S. (2014). Design and Verification of OCP-AHB Bus Wrapper. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(5). Retrieved from