Trace Graph Generation of Eye and Head by Tracking Eye Pupil Movements and Head Movements


Thakur Navneetha Singh


There are number of approaches to track eye and head movements for variety of applications. But most of the techniques and approaches used to track eye and head movements rely on Intrusive and Expensive techniques in which various devices are connected such to track head movements  person is made to wear trail frame and to track eye movements some glass like devices are made used.

This paper provide the simple approach which is non-expensive and non intrusive to track eye and head movements. This system requires simple integrated web camera. This project is done by Digital Image processing and Computer Vision based techniques and algorithms in a practical approach. The main objective of this project is to design algorithm for eye and head movement tracking device. Firstly that device is made learnt about what does eye looks like and where it is located on face by using some eye and head movement tracking algorithms. Once the eye and head movements are tracked it will store the eye and head movements data in a file and simultaneously plot the trace graph of eye movements made and head movements made respectively


How to Cite
Singh, T. N. (2014). Trace Graph Generation of Eye and Head by Tracking Eye Pupil Movements and Head Movements. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(5). Retrieved from