Traditional Methods of Cloth Making by the Zou Tribe in Manipur


H Esther Gangte


Majority of the Zou Community living in the Indo-Burma border of Manipur still practice back strap loom weaving to produce their finest cloth. However, like any of their kindred tribes, they have combined modern life style and a decade year old tradition. Due to advances in manufacturing and invention of synthetic fabrics, this traditional knowledge is now threatened. Hence efforts should be made to preserve this ecofriendly traditional knowledge. This paper tries to elicit the traditional knowledge of making clothes/weaving by the Zou tribe. Information was collected using the participatory and conventional tools. 17 plant products were used in the processes.


How to Cite
Gangte, H. E. (2014). Traditional Methods of Cloth Making by the Zou Tribe in Manipur. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(13). Retrieved from