Data Delivery Towards Highly Reliable Mobile AD-HOC Networks


S. Malini Mangai
G. Karpagam
K. Saranya
G. Kesavaraj
S. Mahima
K. S. Saravanan


This paper addresses the problem of delivering data packets for highly dynamic mobile ad hoc networks in a reliable and timely manner. Most existing ad hoc routing protocols are susceptible to node mobility, especially for large-scale networks. Driven by this issue, we propose an efficient Position-based Opportunistic Petal Routing (OPR) protocol which takes advantage of the stateless property of geographic routing and the broadcast nature of wireless medium. In the case of communication hole, a Virtual Destination-based Void Handling (VDVH) scheme is further proposed to work together with OPR. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that OPR achieves excellent performance even under high node mobility with acceptable overhead and the new void handling scheme also works well.


How to Cite
Mangai, S. M., Karpagam, G., Saranya, K., Kesavaraj, G., Mahima, S., & Saravanan, K. S. (2014). Data Delivery Towards Highly Reliable Mobile AD-HOC Networks. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(13). Retrieved from