Tetrodotoxin Constituents in the Vietnamese Sea Pufferfish Takifugu oblongus


Tran Viet Hung
Phung Minh Dung
Tran Minh Ngoc
Duong Minh Tan
Pham ThanhBinh
Nguyen Hoai Nam
Nguyen Tien Dat


From the Takifugu oblongus viscera collected in Vietnamese sea, three compounds were isolated. By means of spectroscopic methods including NMR and MS, theire structures were identified as tetrodotoxin (1), 6-epitetrodotoxin (2), and 5-deoxytetrodotoxin (3). This is the first time 5-deoxytetrodotoxin was found in Takifugu oblongus.



How to Cite
Hung, T. V., Dung, P. M., Ngoc, T. M., Tan, D. M., ThanhBinh, P., Nam, N. H., & Dat, N. T. (2014). Tetrodotoxin Constituents in the Vietnamese Sea Pufferfish Takifugu oblongus. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(13). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/138882