Modern Hybrid Vehicles Powered with Artificial Renewable Sources by Using Smart Methods


S. Surya Prakash
K. V. Harikrishnaswamy
K. S. Arul Prasath
K. Palani Kumar


Today we are living in the modern fast moving automobile age, we are in the need to responsible for global warming. In that way hybridvehiclesare playing an important role by producing the lowpollution emission when compared to the internal combustion engines. This is due to the presence of electric motors. But there are some problems acquired in the hybrid vehicles such as storages of batteries, space occupation and so on. To overcome these problems here we introduce some smart methods by using smart materials. Here there arethree smart materials weused; they are piezoelectric powered tyres, hub motor driven mechanism and thermionic materials.


How to Cite
Prakash, S. S., Harikrishnaswamy, K. V., Prasath, K. S. A., & Kumar, K. P. (2014). Modern Hybrid Vehicles Powered with Artificial Renewable Sources by Using Smart Methods. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(6). Retrieved from