The Effect of Ascorbic Acid and Citric Acid Solution Treatment on the Flesh Quality of Wallago attu


Roopma Gandotra
Vaini Gupta
Meenakshi Koul
Sweta Gupta
Dalbir Singh Parihar
Ritu Sharma


Cat fish Wallago attu was treated with 0.5% Ascorbic and Citric acid solution and kept in frozen storage-12±2°C for 30 days. Changes in proximate composition  (protein, lipid, moisture  and ash) and biochemical parameters viz. extract release volume (ERV), free fatty acids(FFA) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were analyzed and compared with the untreated control samples. Significant increase in FFA and TBA profiles was observed in untreated control samples at the end of storage period. However, the increase was very low in ascorbic and citric acid treated samples. It is due to the anti-oxidative nature of ascorbic and citric acids.


How to Cite
Gandotra, R., Gupta, V., Koul, M., Gupta, S., Parihar, D. S., & Sharma, R. (2014). The Effect of Ascorbic Acid and Citric Acid Solution Treatment on the Flesh Quality of Wallago attu. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(6). Retrieved from