Level of Awareness of Developmental Projects by the Ministry of Women Affairs among Citizens of Ogun State


Gift Uchechi Ntiwunka


vital to the process of political, social, and economic development of a nation. In spite of the huge human and natural resources and the numerous projects embarked upon in Nigeria since independence, poverty, unemployment, hunger and diseases remain pervasive. Previous studies reveal that efforts made by the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development to implement development programmes is largely limited by: inadequate awareness, insufficient funding and manpower. The study sought to determine the level of awareness of developmental projects by the Ministry of Women Affairs among citizens of six purposively selected Local Government Areas in Ogun State. Using a sample size of 1500 (250 from each LGA), it was observed that the level of awareness by citizens of Ogun State is barely average at a mean score of 8.9776 on a 16 scale count with a standard error of 0.1429. This implies that although the percentage figure might be perceived as high, the actual level of awareness were barely average. This is acceptable if one considers the percentage level of awareness at the various local government levels. The ministry must strive hard to actualize its vision by ensuring that more citizens of the state benefit from its programmes. This can be done through sensitization of the public especially women and children on what they stand to benefit educationally, socially, politically and economically from participating in these programme.


How to Cite
Ntiwunka, G. U. (2014). Level of Awareness of Developmental Projects by the Ministry of Women Affairs among Citizens of Ogun State. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(6). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/138990