Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction: The Role of Self-Efficacy as Mediator


Maslina Mansor
Ku Naraini Ku Yusof
Natasha Shazleen Badrul


The issue of work–family conflict (WFC) has been noted as a particular concern for today's businesses. In demonstrating WFC's relationship with work outcomes, job satisfaction has been the most widely studied correlate. This study extends the previous research by examining the unique effects of Self-Efficacy as mediator. This study aims to propose a conceptual framework to study  the relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction with Self-Efficacy variables as mediator. Based on literature review, the framework suggests that Work-family Conflict has negatively influenced one's Job Satisfaction. Considering Self-efficacy as the mediator within the relationship, the effects of it is to be investigated. From the review of literatures, hyphoteses were developed suggests the relationship between Work-Family Conflict, Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction by choosing single working mother as the research samples. The findings of this study are expected to provide a platform to employers to be sensitive to the needs of their employees, particularly women who choose to work. Career women will be able to work better if the responsibilities as a mother and  wife and  are  not neglected. The statistical tools will be employed is SPSS for windows Software (Version 19.0) to analyze the reliability analysis, descriptive statistic, regression and correlation analysis.



How to Cite
Mansor, M., Yusof, K. N. K., & Badrul, N. S. (2014). Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction: The Role of Self-Efficacy as Mediator. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(6). Retrieved from