Search Simple Queries in Concept Based Clustering


P. Madhusudhan
S. Hussain Basha
C. Hareesh
Lakshmi Srinivasulu


A major problem of current Web search is that search queries are usually short and ambiguous, and thus are insufficient for specifying the precise user needs. To alleviate this problem, some search engines suggest terms that are semantically related to the submitted queries so that users can choose from the suggestions the ones that reflect their information needs. In this paper, we introduce an effective approach that captures the user's conceptual preferences in order to provide personalized query suggestions. We achieve this goal with two new strategies. First, we develop online techniques that extract concepts from the web-snippets of the search result returned from a query and use the concepts to identify related queries for that query. Second, we propose a new two phase personalized agglomerative clustering algorithm that is able to generate personalized query clusters. To the best of the authors 'knowledge, no previous work has addressed personalization for query suggestions. To evaluate the effectiveness of our technique, a Google middleware was developed for collecting click through data to conduct experimental evaluation. Experimental results show that our approach has better precision and recall than the existing query clustering methods.


How to Cite
Madhusudhan, P., Basha, S. H., Hareesh, C., & Srinivasulu, L. (2014). Search Simple Queries in Concept Based Clustering. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(6). Retrieved from