Proper Identification and Assessment of Risks/Hazards in the Construction Industry in the South West of Nigeria


Okafor Benjamin Onuorah


A risk/hazard is anything that could hurt you or someone else. Risk or hazard is a certain occurrence in human life and it occurs in day to day construction activities. Risk can be explained as possible loss resulting from the difference between what is anticipated and what actually occurred. Construction industry in Nigeria like other businesses is fraught with risk that is unpredictable, volatile and at times complex. Risk is inherent in the design and construction of buildings, civil and other heavy engineering works. This paper examines the risks experienced by some construction companies in the South West of Nigeria. Structured questionnaire was used to carry out a field survey. A total of seventy questionnaires were distributed, out of which fifty one were returned. Result of the study revealed that many hazards with their attendant risks/hazards could not be foreseen at the conception of many of the projects. It is recommended from the results of the study that risk/hazard management should be the responsibility of the clients, consultants, construction company's employees and management.



How to Cite
Onuorah, O. B. (2014). Proper Identification and Assessment of Risks/Hazards in the Construction Industry in the South West of Nigeria. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(6). Retrieved from