Poisson Log-linear Analysis of Postpartum Length of Stay


Richard Puurbalanta
Atinuke O. Adebanji
Richard Clottey Anang


The impact of postpartum length of stay PLOS) has been widely reported. Different mothers often have different lengths of stay after child delivery. In order to determine the optimum PLOS, it becomes necessary to deliberate on the factors associated with it. An investigation was conducted on 150 women who delivered at War Memorial Hospital in Navrongo, Ghana. Analysis of the data using generalized Poisson log-linear model identified birth by cesarean section (P-value < 0.0001) and good newborns' condition (P-value < 0.0001) as significant factors that explain the variation in PLOS at the hospital.


How to Cite
Puurbalanta, R., Adebanji, A. O., & Anang, R. C. (2014). Poisson Log-linear Analysis of Postpartum Length of Stay. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(12). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/139812