Study of Channel Allocation and Attacks in Multichannel Multiradio Wireless Networks


Pushpa latha S
R. Sabitha


In this paper, we discover the channel allocation in obliging multichannel multiradio wireless webs and   non obliging networks.In that every single node is fixed and set alongside one or extra radios. Additionally we focus on static channel allocation, vibrant channel allocation and hybrid channel allocation in multichannel multiradio wireless networks. And it deals alongside jamming attacks and its assorted attack models. Whereas jamming attack is an entity someone is resolutely trying to inhibit alongside the physical transmission as well as reception of wireless communications.


How to Cite
S, P. latha, & Sabitha, R. (2014). Study of Channel Allocation and Attacks in Multichannel Multiradio Wireless Networks. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(12). Retrieved from