An Effective Detection of Real Source Attack Using Extended IP Traceback Mechanism


G. D. Dhanalakshmi
G. Velmayil


 Network becomes an essential part of everyone's life. Sophisticated network security technologies are being developed to protect data and preserve privacy. As the Internet has been widely applied in various domains, additional network security is the most important issue concerned with Internet. The internet is exposed to threats like System penetration, Data modification, Denial of service (DoS) attacks etc. DoS attack is the most expensive computer crimes. This paper proposes a new Extended IP Traceback mechanism with efficient packet marking to censor attack traffic on its upstream routers. In this process the key challenge is to reduce the number of packets that are involved in the traceback of these attacks. The proposed Traceback mechanism is the most successful implementation towards preventing DoS attacks and it can trace back the source of the attack based on Time to Live (TTL) value. In addition, it uses the (Network Address Translation and Port Address Translation (NAT/PAT) data extraction and considering in the Packet matching process to avoid the path reconstruction and thus to achieve zero false positive and false negative rates in attack-path reconstruction.


How to Cite
Dhanalakshmi, G. D., & Velmayil, G. (2014). An Effective Detection of Real Source Attack Using Extended IP Traceback Mechanism. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(12). Retrieved from