Conceptual Design of Virtual Missiles Using Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology


Akhila Rupesh
J. V. Murugalal Jeyan


This technology incorporates the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and nanotechnology. It consists of a parent missile and the daughter missile. The features of parent missile is that it is the first one to be used against the targets. This will consist of cameras and sensors of nano size (referred as nano spies). As this missile explodes in the enemy land these nano materials will spread all over the area and starts sending the data about that area which will be received by the daughter missile. The feature of daughter missile is that once the data from the parent missile is received, this will see whether the conditions are favorable for it to strike the enemies. As the missile blasts off from the launch pad it will be constantly making decisions about the strategy of striking taking into consideration the data that is sent by the parent. The main feature is that it cannot be tracked by the radars of enemies. It will rotate on its own newly created axis  in cases of any unpredicted attack from the enemies as informed by the parent missile unless all the conditions become favorable for it to fall to its final destination.



How to Cite
Rupesh, A., & Jeyan, J. V. M. (2014). Conceptual Design of Virtual Missiles Using Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(7). Retrieved from