Application of Fourier Transform in Determining the Velocity Profile of HIV/AIDS in the Human Blood Circulating System


Edison A. Enaibe
Akpata Erhieyovwe
Osafile E. Omosede


In this work, the mechanism of Fourier transform technique in determining the characteristics of the velocity profile of HIV/AIDS in the Human blood circulating system is here presented. We utilized the known dynamical characteristics of the vibrations of HIV ‘parasitic wave' and those of Man ‘host wave' obtained from a previous study to determine quantitatively the velocity of HIV/AIDS in the human system. It is shown, how adequate and effective the constituted carrier wave (CCW) with time dependent oscillating phase could explain the coexistence of HIV/AIDS and Man. We also determined the possible time taken for the HIV infection to degenerate to AIDS due to alteration in the velocity of the ‘host wave'. This study revealed that the spectrum of the velocity profile of the CCW become parasitically monochromatic with slow varying frequency beyond 69 months (6 years) and the velocity of the CCW finally fluctuates to zero after about 126 months (10 years). It is also established that reduction in the velocity of the CCW causes a delay or a slow down process in the energy transfer mechanism which eventually leads to energy attenuation in a HIV/AIDS patient. The average survival time after infection with HIV is found in this study to be 6 to 10 years.


How to Cite
Enaibe, E. A., Erhieyovwe, A., & Omosede, O. E. (2014). Application of Fourier Transform in Determining the Velocity Profile of HIV/AIDS in the Human Blood Circulating System. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(7). Retrieved from