Evaluation of Ascorbic Acid and Moisture Contents in Two Morus Species of University of Peshawar Botanical Garden, Pakistan


Syed Mukaram Shah
Abdul Razzaq
Usman Ali
Basheer Khan
Ajmal Iqbal


Fruits of Morus (Morus alba L. and Morus nigra L.) were evaluated for ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and moisture contents. It was observed that ascorbic acid was 31.15 mg/100g in Morus nigra and 29.32 mg/100g in Morus alba. Moisture contents remained 6.6 % in Morus nigra and 6.8 % in Morus alba. The results indicated that Morus nigra contained highest amount of ascorbic acid and thus must be preferred. Wild berries including black berries, blue berries and mulberries are collected in large quantities and are used as standard part of the diet and for also sale in the market. The study was undertaken to extend the knowledge of vitamin C contents of commonly consumed fruit plants.


How to Cite
Shah, S. M., Razzaq, A., Ali, U., Khan, B., & Iqbal, A. (2014). Evaluation of Ascorbic Acid and Moisture Contents in Two Morus Species of University of Peshawar Botanical Garden, Pakistan. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(7). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/140035