Pattern Discovery for Text Mining


S. S. Patil
V. M. Gaikwad


 In this paper data mining skills are available which are useful in mining the sample of text document. However, competent studies of a new pattern which is helpful and correct the discovered patterns are still an open research topic, particularly in the text mining field. Right now text mining methods have term based methods and they have difficulty of polysemy and synonymy. To decrease these difficulties new method build is phrase based method. The phrase based method is better than the term based, but many experiments are not done in a phrase based method.

To present the new and efficient pattern discovery system, this has a procedure of pattern deploying and evolving. It improves the effectiveness and updating new pattern to discover suitable and related information.


How to Cite
Patil, S. S., & Gaikwad, V. M. (2014). Pattern Discovery for Text Mining. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(7). Retrieved from