Women Entrepreneurship in Andhra Pradesh: A Study


T. Nagalakshmi


Entrepreneurship is recognized as an engine of economic growth in the economy.  Entrepreneurship development helps in ameliorating the volley of socio-economic problem encountered by the society. Problems of poverty, inequality and staggering unemployment can be better solved through entrepreneurship development. Development of entrepreneurship among women is a major step to increase women participation in the process of economic development. It will speed up economic growth, and provide employment opportunities for women resulted in improving the economic independence.  Provision of economic opportunities for women can also improve the social, educational and health status of women and their families. In advanced countries, there is a phenomenon of increase in the number of self – employed women after the World War II. In U.S.A, women own 25 per cent of all business, even though their sales on an average are less than two – fifths of those of   other   small businesses.

The present paper focuses on the entrepreneurship and economic development, problems faced by women entrepreneurs, line of activity selected by women entrepreneurs etc.,


How to Cite
Nagalakshmi, T. (2014). Women Entrepreneurship in Andhra Pradesh: A Study. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(7). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/140050