Dynamic Response of Double Rayleigh Uniform Beams Systems Clamped at Both Ends under Moving Concentrated Loads with Classical Boundry Condition


S. O. Ajibola


The dynamic response behavior of double uniform Rayleigh beams system resting on a constant elastic foundation and with axial force traversed by masses travelling at a uniform velocity is investigated. As alluded to in [3, 4] a clamped-clamped boundary conditions for moving force was considered. The dynamical problem is solved using Mindlin Goodman, Generalized Finite Integral Fourier, and Laplace Integral transformations then convolutiontheory. Using numerical example, various plots of the deflections for the beams are presented and discussed for different values of axial force N, foundation modulli K and at fixed rotatory Inertial (r) and also for fixed axial force N  and foundation moduli K but at various rotatory inertial (r) for moving force.


How to Cite
Ajibola, S. O. (2014). Dynamic Response of Double Rayleigh Uniform Beams Systems Clamped at Both Ends under Moving Concentrated Loads with Classical Boundry Condition. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(7). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/140062