Type of Personality Analysis in Solving Mathematical Problems Reviewed from the Metacognitive Perspective


Eka Sastrawati
Muhammad Rusdi
Kamid .
Jefri Marzal


This research article describes the personality types of students in solving mathematical problems from a metacognitive perspective. There are four types of student personalities, namely guardian, rational, artisan, and idealist. The study was conducted in a qualitative exploratory manner. Research subjects are high school students in Jambi province. The results of the study describe the stages of understanding mathematical problems based on the categories of students' personality types from different metacognitive perspectives. 


How to Cite
Sastrawati, E., Rusdi, M., ., K., & Marzal, J. (2020). Type of Personality Analysis in Solving Mathematical Problems Reviewed from the Metacognitive Perspective. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 8(3). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijst/2020/v8/i3/ST2003-017