Stakeholders' Perceptions on the Adequacy of External Supervision in Secondary Schools in Chamwino District, Tanzania


Joseph Manase
Habibu D. A.


Quality of education is a complex phenomenon that needs a multi-dimensional approach in achieving, and one of the major factors for it to be realized is the institutionalization and reinforcement of external school inspection. This study was focused on searching for adequacy of external school inspection in secondary schools in Chamwino district in Dodoma. The key objectives were to: explore stakeholder's perceptions on the effectiveness of external school supervision; assess the extent of school inspection and determine the link between school supervision and improvement in teachers' pedagogical practice. The study was guided by the 1995 Education and Training Policy of the United Republic of Tanzania. Overall, the findings show that most stakeholders have negative perceptions on the effectiveness of external school supervision; secondary schools are less supervised by external inspectors and are faced by a number of challenges; and external school inspection has influence on teachers' pedagogical practice. Recommendations and conclusion were made. 
