Innovative Technology in Agriculture in Contemporary Nigeria: The Relevance of the Hamitic Hypothesis


Lexington Oyarekhua Izuagie
A. B. Emanemua


The study attempted an examination of the crisis of innovative technology in rural agriculture in contemporary Nigeria using the Hamitic Hypothesis. However in a manner unusual of African historiography, it contends that the Hypothesis is not a complete dismissal in explaining general technological backwardness in Africa. While it frowns at the biological explanation for Hamitic domination of Africa, the study concedes to the alleged cultural superiority but believe that valid explanation for this is currently lacking. But the inability of the Hamites to influence contemporary Nigerian farmers to adopt innovative technology leaves more questions than answered. Intervention of the dependency theory, though contain some validity, is not sufficient I explaining the situation either. The stUdy therefore calls for future investigation to explain general African technological backwardness of which the persistence of crude implements in rural agriculture in contemporary Nigeria is only a minute expression.
