Pattern of Crop Concentration and Diversification in Upper Ganga Yamuna Doab


Najmul Islam Hashmi


In this paper a detail study has been done to find out pattern of crop concentration and diversification in 2010-11, in upper Ganga Yamuna Doab , which is most fertile land of India. Through this study, authors come to know the dominance of particular crop in particular region and cropping pattern as well as ranking of the crops in the study area, whether it is market oriented or subsistent type. The study is based on secondary sources of data. For calculating the index of crop concentration, location quotient technique is use and for calculating the index of crop diversification. Jasbir Sing's technique in which he take into account only those crop which share more than 5% area of the total cropped area, and Gibs-Martin, who tab in account only those crops which share more than 10% area of the total cropped area are use. Authors also tried to highlight the suitable cropping pattern for this income which can enhance the income of the farmers.
