Technologies Involved in Monitoring of Patient Health using Wireless Sensor Network


Archana Kokare
S. D. Chavan


In monitoring patient health "mobile technologies, medical sensor and communication technology" are involved. This emerging concept represents the evolution of e-health systems from traditional desktop "telemedicine" platforms to wireless and mobile configurations. Current and emerging developments in wireless communications integrated with developments in pervasive and wearable technologies will have a radical impact on future health-care delivery systems.
In this research paper, we presented the wireless Sensor network (WSN) for monitoring a patient having hole in the heart. The output of biosensor has to be transmitted via Zigbee and the same has to be sent to the remote wireless monitor for observing the condition of the patient having hole in the heart and for the same proper medical treatment should be given to him/her without surgery using alternative medicine to cure hole in the heart. Although Bluetooth is better than Zigbee for transmission rate, but Zigbee has lower power consumption. Hence, Zigbee is generally used for 24 hours monitor of communication transmission system.
