A Review on Segmentation & Intensity Extraction of cDNA Microarray Images


Anand Jatti
C. Amritha


DNA microarray analysis has evolved as the best promising technique for discovering diseases or for accessing mutations caused by exogenous inputs in a given biological organism. The DNA microarray technology allows compressing in a little microscope glass; hundreds of thousands of different DNA nucleotide sequences, and permits to have all of this information on a single image. The analysis of DNA microarray images allows the identification of gene expressions in order to draw biologically meaningful conclusions for applications that ranges from the genetic profiling to the diagnosis of oncology diseases. This paper briefly gives an overview of the basic concepts of DNA microarray based genomic research, methodology and to discuss the pros and cons of some algorithms for cDNA microarray image analysis. A new approach is proposed for DNA-chip image processing by using the combination of Adaptive circle algorithm with K-means algorithm for image segmentation. Intensity extraction can be measured using multiple thresholding technique.
