Application of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Records Keeping in Schools


Mani Ahmed
Ja'afaru Ahmadu Jibia


Records are written documents that we used in our schools, homes, hospitals, markets and in all our daily activities. The varieties of records we keep form the necessary part of life. Imagine what life will look like if you have no wrist watch to help you programme yourself, no mobile phone on which you have recorded the numbers of people you want to contact, records of financial transaction with your bank, and record of your service in which important aspects dealing with your promotion or retirement, and many others are kept. A record is "simply any information that is written or stored on paper, film or computer so that it can be used in future" FME/UBE 2002:139. This paper explores the trend and development of ICT and observes that given method of record keeping in our school, there is the need for schools to utilize the various information systems available to their own advantage. Challenges in doing so were analyses and possible solutions to minimize these challenges were offered.
