Use of Communication in Technical Education


K. Karthikeyan


In today's world of information technology and global competition, expressing oneself effectively is inevitably crucial. The present day workplaces invest huge amount of effort and money in orienting their employees in all the four areas of communication skills-Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Educational institute, in addition to emphasizing the core disciplines, take extra initiative to hone the communication skills of their students for the job market.
Now-a-days the competition for jobs has become tougher. To get a job of one's choice, one must possess excellent communication skills along with technical skills. Consequently communication skills have emerged as the foremost employability skills in the twenty first century. Employability skills not only help one to get a job but also stay in the job, and move upwards in the workplace. What's more, the success of any organization now-a-days depends more on communication than on capital. Even as information moves Further, faster, and reaches more and more people, the skills that make it possible to connect to another person emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually are needed as much today as ever before.
