Analysis of Prosthetic Arm


Angel Thomas
Jyothi S. Warrier
Aarti Bokade
Bipin D. Mokal


Many people suffer from various disabilities that are caused by accidents and loose there body parts. About lakhs of amputees rely on a simple prosthesis that can simply open and close hands. Moreover for wearing a prosthetic device the person has to undergo various therapy and programmes for which he has to spend from his own pocket. Thus there is a need for new technology. There are various arms available in market but the cost matters and more over with the cheaper mechanical arms there is a problem with the string mechanism, to perform any work the patient has to pull the string so hard causing pressure in his scapula.
Analysis of prosthetic arm is the modification of mechanical arm and has electrical components merged into it, for brain computer interfacing controller is used.In this hand is trained using a camera via image processing according to regular activities and by creating a list of regular activities it's being programmed into controller, then further output is taken through either voice recognition or button commands. If a person has single limb (unilateral amputee) that person can use button command, means if button 1 is assigned to lift something and similarly button 2 and 3,accordingly it will be fed into memory of controller and controller would regulate motors to do further function. If a patient has lost both the limbs that person can use voice recognition command, thereby according to his voice the arm will operate.Camera senses RGB colour, so the camera is first configured in image processing using individual red, green and blue colour. The prime advantage is that it would reduce the cost and also help in reaching the masses.
