Impact of Eating Pattern on Health Status of Adolescent Girls


R. Hemalathaa
P. A. Mary


Adolescence is characterized by an exceptionally rapid rate of growth with developmentally appropriate psycho-social changes. Objective of the study titled 'Impact of Dietary Pattern and Health Status of Adolescent Girls' was to elicit information regarding the socio-economic profile, food habits, dietary practices and health condition of the respondents. By random sampling 150 samples, aged 12-16 years were selected from three schools in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu. Structured questionnaire was formulated to elicit information. Study shows three-fourth (78%) of the adolescent girls was non-vegetarians, 13 per cent vegetarians and 7 per cent was ova-vegetarians. That 89 per cent of them were irregular in their meal intake, 56, 34 and 10 per cent skipped breakfast, dinner and lunch respectively. 97 per cent consumed fried foods, 91 per cent fast-foods, 64 per cent consumed snacks twice a day, nearly one-third of them consumed thrice a day. That 99 per cent preferred hotel foods, 91 per cent fast foods, home - made foods were preferred by 27 per cent. Compared with the ICMR recommendation food allowances were in deficit except for fats and oils and sugar and Jaggery. Green leafy vegetables and Milk and milk product intake was very little among the respondents reflecting on their health majority were experiencing, hair fall, and acne. Bleeding gums and nail breaking reported by 23 per cent and 14 per cent, few were experiencing constipation (9%), dental carries (9%) and cramps (6%). Based on World Health Organization (2003) classification 26 per cent was under nourished. Data reads 9 and 3 per cent in grade I and grade II obesity. Lack of knowledge on dietary requirements, had resulted in moderate anemia among respondents. This evokes the importance of nutrition education for adolescent girls focusing on anemia, healthy choices in eateries to enhance their health.
