Maceral Contents of Tertiary Indian Coals and their Relationship with Calorific Values


Arpita Sharma
Binoy K. Saikia
Bimala P. Baruah


The petrographic composition of some high sulphur tertiary Indian coal samples is determined and their reactivity is predicted. The relationship between maceral contents and Gross Calorific Value (GCV) of these coal samples have been investigated by multi-variable regression analysis. The maceral analysis indicates that the North-East Indian (NE) coal samples have high vitrinite content (80.07% average), a moderate to low liptinite (10.23% average) and a low inertinite (9.3% average). The liptinite and inertinite contents were found to have a strong linear relationship (R2=0.9283 and R2= 0.9223). From this study, reasonable GCVs can be interpreted. These regression curves show a good fingerprint for energy calculations.
