Quality Improvement by Root Cause Assesment A Case Study


Rupesh Kalantri
Saurabh Chandrawat


Root-cause recognition for quality related problems are key consideration for manufacturing processes. It has been a very painstaking engineering problem specially in a multistage manufacturing, where large number of processes and activities are performed. Whilst, it can be easily implementedon in individual or group of activities in any manufacturing processes. Kaizen is objected towards decreasing in different types of losses i.e. Failure Loss/B, Minor blockage, idling loss, Setup loss etc. So as to improve quality. In this report, root-cause assesment methodology has been taken into consideration to eradicate the rejection of product manufactured by the industry and increasing the life of product. Diffferent type of RCA tools have been used to find out the reasons of product failure and various problems in tubular strander which is used in wire industry to make wires.Remedies of these troubles have also described in this report. A detailed study has described the effectiveness of the proposed research.
