Rudimentary Testing and Evaluation in Language Acquisition


N. L. N. Jayanthi


The students who learn English as a foreign language are considerably poor in using the language and it is common to come across a number of students committing mistakes while speaking, reading or writing in English. The reasons for defective or inadequate rudimentary learning may be due to (a) Pull of the mother tongue (b) Over-learning or over generalization of a rule (c) Inherent difficulty of a particular item (d) Defective teaching and,(e) Imitation of wrong models. Therefore, the teacher should keenly sort out the persistent and serious errors committed by majority of students by administering various language proficiency tests and should to try to evolve a systematic treatment of various learning difficulties of students. Hence, it is high time that more emphasis is laid on administering various kinds of tests for evaluating the language proficiency of students at rudimentary stage so that good communication skills may be fostered among the students at rudimentary level itself.
