The Replica-based Data Access Optimization in Distributed Environment


P. Sathiya
K. N. Vimal Shankar


Distributed systems are groups of networked computers, which have the same goal for their work. According to that, achieve the goal for data distribution that can improve the allocating file chunks on the computing environment. When a new process arrives at the system, the approach verifies if there is any automaton capable of representing it. If automaton is used to estimate resource requirements for this next process. In this system applies many strategies for supporting the online prediction of application behavior, even though the data access operation finds to be though in optimizing the operation. Which checks the operation conducting on the application through the reducing the iteration in migration and replication process with strategies models designed for Schedulers. Distribution and Data access Process has also been made simple through PSO based on scheduler by tracking the Metadata of Data placed in the Datacenters.
