Replica Allocation Over MANET Based On The Prediction Of Selfish Behavior


V. A. Lincy
T.K. Adarsh


In MANET data accessibility is reduced by the network partition. To minimize the degradation, most of them assume that all mobile nodes collaborate fully in terms of sharing their memory space. However, if there is only limited memory space and many of the nodes hold the same replica locally, then some data items would be replaced and missing. This will increase its own query delay. A node may act selfishly, i.e., using its limited resource only for its own benefit, since each node in a MANET has resource constraints, such as battery and storage limitations. A selfish node may not share its own memory space to store replica for the benefit of other nodes. By allocating replicas we can improve the data accessibility, and performance. Among all nodes in network some of them are not ready to co-operate each other i.e. they behave selfishly. This paper discusses one replica allocation method that overcomes the selfishness of mobile nodes with minimum communication cost and time. In this paper we also consider the trade off between energy saved by selfish nodes and services provided by cooperative nodes.
