An Empirical Investigation On Doctors' Perception Of HR Planning Practices At Government Hospitals In Kerala


K. R. Rehin
P. T. Raveendran


One of the pre-requisites for an organization to be successful is that it should have the right kind of human resource at its disposal. For that, an organization should first have a clear idea about the number and type of people that it requires depending on the type of its operations, the extent of competition etc. A well-designed human resource plan helps any organization to ensure that it possesses the optimum number and type of human resources. The case of hospitals is no different from this. It is extremely important for hospitals to ensure that they have the optimum number of doctors, nurses as well as support staff. This underlines the importance of effective human resource planning at hospitals. This paper attempts to analyse the perception of doctors regarding the existence of human resource practices of government hospitals through a descriptive study wherein data were collected from 240 doctors at government hospitals across Kerala. Chi-square analysis indicated that doctors felt that effective human resource planning hardly existed at government hospitals in Kerala .
