Study Of Mosquitoes Borne Infections From The Rural Area Shivoor Tq. Vaijapur, Dist. Aurangabad


Vasant Bawane


The spreading of infection among the people of rural areas are takes place fastly as the people from rural areas are not aware of their health hence unhygiene and improper sanitations causes spreading of diseases among the people In these diseases mosquito born diseases are the major problems among rural area.Dengue , Malaria , Filaria , chicken guinea , etc.are the common diseases spread by the mosquitoes in these dengue is the dangerous and malaria are more  dreadful disease and commonly spread among the people of rural area, these mosquitoe born diseases are spread due to stagnant water, stored waters in containers, tiers, tubes, tanks on terrereses,the mosquito born disease causes high fever, severe headache, pain in joints, in muscels, loss  of appetite, rashes on skin,  on limbs, nausea and vomiting,ect. attempt has been made to know the spreading of mosquito born diseases among the people of rural areas, and symptoms of diseases, and preventive measures of these diseases.
