Human Is A Roam Free Cell Phone?!... (A New Theory On EMR And Antenna)


M. Arulmani
V. R. Hema Latha


In this scientific research, it is focused that every human has an inbuilt local Tri-pole Antenna and deriving electromagnetic energy for function of Human Heart. Every human shall be considered as a roam free cell phone.

Nature provides Roam free service to every human.  The nature expects this roam free service to be utilized for effective joyful life and building up social and environmental good Health.

In Prehistoric time the SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) was considered as very low as human Antenna was exactly turned to "Master Antenna”.  Whereas in Modern time the human antenna position is considered as highly deviated and mismatched with Master Antenna.  It is speculated that because of the high SWR value the immunity system is gradually lost and suffers from Environmental Health. Exposure to cell phone radiation affects the health?! In prehistoric time human exposed to even more severe cosmic radiation, but lived for long span of life. In this research it is focused that the accumulation of standing waves in the atmosphere shall be considered as producing more harmonics which ultimately interacts with human system and there by the immunity system is lost and various new diseases and disorders such as heart beat rise, blood sugar level disorder, urinary infection, cancer cell growth due to DNA disorder, fast hair loss, other skin diseases etc. In short it shall be stipulated that human health is much affected due to high intensity of harmonics level of the HUMAN RADIATION generated rather than exposed to radiation of cell phone tower.

This research focus that effective tuning of every human antenna with master antenna shall pave way for reduction of harmonics and there by human cells as well as environmental health shall be improved.

It is speculated that the high SWR affects greatly the symmetry of Neutrinos relative position which results in frequent occurrence of earth quake, volcanic activity, fast cancer growth, sudden forest fire etc.

It is the need of the hour that every person shall take individual effort to reduce their SWR for overall contribution to global Health.
