A Multi Model View Of Process Modelling With Dynamic Path Selection Based On Resource-Constraint


Yadhu Ravinath
Sangam Kumar
Arkajit Bhattacharya


This paper aims to reduce the specific nature of process models by providing allowances for deviations from the specified path to occur. It aims to create a more dynamic process model which provides alternative paths for a software engineer to achieve a particular goal, and then to even choose the best path, based on the resource-constraint. The multi model view of process modelling supports this dynamicity, and hence that'll be the focus of this paper. The eventual model will be similar to a weighted graph, where the nodes will represent the goals that the software engineer wishes to reach and the edges would represent what needs to be done (or the strategies) to move from one node to another. The edges would also be assigned weights, for each resource. Then, based on the developer's resource constraint, the best possible path will be chosen. 
