"Advertisement Strategies And Role Of Media In Present Scenario Of Education In Rajasthan And Delhi”


Ranwir Kumar Rana


Education is about providing knowledge. When we are promoting education we have to appeal people to widen their knowledge and make themselves at par with the changes around them. A person who is to market education should start by spreading the message of the significance of education. There should be continuous analysis of market, then determination of target customers, evaluation of competitive strategies, positioning a service for the target segment and continuous evaluation.

Marketing strategy not only about the appeal to people but the main thing is that, you have good convincing power and try to sale your product in good way rather than to your competitors. Today's world there is high competition level in this sector. Students want to take admission on AICTE approval colleges but they don't know it's totally diploma, degree is provided by the University. The main truth is that placements is not done by University or AICTE, it's done by Colleges because college is only the source by which (reputed, A+) COMPANIES is there or ready for recruitment. So, for that purpose u all means those in education sector, have to maintain strategies. For high admissions and get them high placements and grooming the students also. The advertisement strategies and media role in education is evident today by the number of computer labs, television sets and libraries that have become part of curriculum in most schools today. Media comes in different forms and each form affects the way students learn and interpret information. Media has brought the world closer (globalization) so that now students from different universities in different parts of the world are connected through a mere internet connection. Amidst the information revolution mass media has become such a massive part of our lives that it is impossible to ignore its effects.

The concept of democracy was based on the fact that if individuals are educated to a certain level then they can rule themselves effectively. The question that now arises is "are individuals here media literate?", and also how important it is for them to be media literate. Millions of messages are being sent each day through various media channels. This research will be really contributed to find out the actual advertisement strategies and present role of media in education sectors.
