The Impact of Animated Spokesperson: Implication to the Marketers- An Indian Perspective


Sangeeta Trott


Purpose-The main purpose of the article is to find out the impact of animated spokesperson on customer orientation. Objective of study-The main objective of study was as follows: a) to find out the impact of animated spokesperson on products and services,

b) Impact of animated spokesperson on expertise c) consideration to be kept in mind while choosing animated spokesperson. Data collection-data is collected from 200 respondents which were divided into three categories i.e. children in the age group 8-10 years of age, 21-25 years of age and 25 and above. Data was collected through written questionnaire method and personal interview method. Data analysis-Multivariate and univariate tools are used for analysis. Managerial implication-The study is of great use to the marketers in understanding the impact of animated spokesperson and how to make the best use of animated spokesperson.
