Unorganized Manufacturing Industries in Uttar Pradesh: An Empirical Study


Himani Aggarwal
Dr. Hima Gupta
Dr. Jhumur Sengupta


The main purpose of this study is to find out that how many OAMEs, NDMEs; DMEs are there in unorganized manufacturing industries. It also aims to find the use of machines in these units and the labor-capital ratio. Attempt is made to show the number of female and male workers in these units. Sample size is hundred unorganized manufacturing units. Target area is Ghaziabad and Noida which is the industrial hub of Uttar Pradesh. It is an empirical study. This study is different from majority of work, researches done in unorganized manufacturing industries because it is based on primary data. Majority of the studies are done on secondary data collected from NSSO. But in this study there have been direct interaction with the respondents.

