Worldwide Educational Crisis and Insight of J. Krishnamurti: A Critical Inquiry


Prantika Sarmah


The focus of this paper is to critically analyse the notion of ‘Integrated intelligence' as expounded by Jiddu Krishnamurti. We are aware of the contradicting claims as far as measuring intelligence is concerned. This paper presents a theoretical approach in understanding, from J. Krishnamurti's perspective, the root cause of the present day educational crisis and the ways and means to find a plausible answer to it. In this context, we would also look into the works of John Dewey, Paulo Freire, Gandhi, Radhakrishnan etc. An integrated approach for awakening intelligence presents hope for all thinking people who are concerned with the future of the education system in India and elsewhere in the world. Can we develop a pedagogy based on Krishnamurti's ideas on awakening intelligence remains a challenging task which we would try to take up in the following pages. 
