Attitudes of University Students towards Male Circumcision


Maria Tsvere
Constantino Pedzisai


Male circumcision has become one of the methods used to prevent HIV transmission through heterosexual contact. This study was undertaken among university students to ascertain their attitude and knowledge about male circumcision and prevention of HIV infection. The cross -sectional descriptive survey collected data from a simple random sample of 100 students. Data collected using a structured questionnaire was analysed using descriptive methods. With a response rate of 85%, the mean age of respondents was 21 years and knowledge level about male circumcision was fair. Students acknowledged the importance of male circumcision but their majority reported that they would not wish to be circumcised. Those who wish to be circumcised would prefer to have the surgery at hospitals. Students wished to have more information about this practice. The study recommends that HIV and Life skills programmes should include male circumcision. University Life Skills programme should also include negotiation and decision making skills.
