Planning & Design of Hydro–Landscape with Special Reference to Zero Discharge in Industrial Setups in Faridabad


Ar. Manavi Suneja
Gauhar Mahmood


Water is a life sustaining element. While it is rather hard to imagine life without water; the times we live in are faced with the distressing and alarming reality of water scarcity& widespread pollution of water sources. Today's times are challenging & the widespread water woes, are therefore a concern of professionals from varied spheres of life be it hydrologists, engineers, architects & landscape architects. Water experts everywhere are advocating the process of water harvesting”capturing, diverting and storing non-potable, or "reclaimed” water for landscape, irrigation and a variety of other uses. In keeping with the concept of zero discharge, harvesting rainwater and storm water can greatly reduce the possibility of damage from flooding and erosion at building sites. Furthermore, the water available from water harvesting can be used effectively as a resource to create anaesthetic landscape and thermally comfortable spaces. The said concept has been demonstrated through a case study. The case study of M/s Escorts private ltd, Faridabad occupies an area of 27 acres & has a freshwater demand including that of office workers & floating population equal to82.5 cu metre/day. This demand can easily be met from the existing four tube wells at site. Further, the horticulture & landscape irrigation demand equals50 cu metre/day. At present,  the total demand of water is 132.5 cubic metre/day; of which 103.96 cu metre is being abstracted from the tube wells & the stage of ground water development as per ground water estimation committee, 2006 equals to127 % which is categorized as a black site area as per the NABARD norms.  It is rather alarming to note that the water level has already acquired a declining trend in the study area. The failure of water bodies is an obvious consequence but the loss of biodiversity though not that evident as of now is bound to have far reaching consequences. For, many plant species, either has been eradicated completely or is on the verge of eradication. This trend is not only creating implications for the biodiversity, but will eventually affect human health. For, the non-absorption of suspended particulate matter owing to the eventual extinction of plant species will lead to increased pollution in water. The present study thus is an attempt to provide remedial measures for the improvement of the stage of ground water development by virtue of providing the required planning and design of the hydro landscape. The proposed design of the hydro landscape will not only reduce the stage of ground water development from 127% to 75% but also provide guidance in terms planning criteria in an industrial sector like this to achieve zero discharge. This will further contribute to the adoption of a futuristic approach for cleaning of rivers in India in general & Yamuna River in particular. The present study "Planning & Design of Hydro–Landscape with special reference to zero discharge concept in Faridabad Region” will also be useful to planners, landscape architects, architects, engineers, scientists & other concerned administrators, bureaucrats working in this direction.
