Assessment for Alternatives of Geometry for the Intake Side of the Sump to Enhance Performance of Centrifugal Pump


Vibha P. Pode
Shylesha Channapattana


"The increment in the discharge for the Centrifugal Pump tends to depreciate with the pump; especially for the higher order pumps (above 25 HP). The turbulence of vortices along with turbulent flow at the regions in the suction pipe affects the flow of water and consequently the discharge. The discharge the `sump' is not favorably designed for aiding the intake through the suction pipe. This work would focus on Design alternatives for reducing the vortices within the suction pipe and enhancing the discharge through possible use manifold at the suction end. Alternatively, efforts would be pursued for addressing the Design of the Sump (Tank) for facilitating the flow of water at the inlet end while smoothing out the in rush of water at the extreme end of the suction pipe.”
