A Retrospective Study on Prevalence of Anomalous Babies in a Tertiary Care Hospital


Dr. Bharathi Rao
Dr. Arun Rao
Dr. Bharathi P.


Babies come into the world heralding the good news that the human species with all its diversities and complexities is still going good and hasn't come to a grinding halt. Though a newborn brings in its wake untold happiness to those around, there are some unfortunate babies whose birth is clouded with sadness and worry for the parents because of the birth defects in them which manifest either immediately after birth or after a while, depending on the nature of the congenital abnormality

Results: Out of 28373 deliveries in 5 years, the overall prevalence of anamolous babies was found to be 1.21% (344). Majority were in the age group of 20 – 34 years. Incidence of anamolies was found to be more in multipara, than primipara.  H/o consanguinity was seen in 22%, Booked-17%, Booked outside-78%, Unbooked-3.7%. Anamolies not detected in scan in 30% and were detected in 69%.VariousAnamolies - CNS-33%, Cardiac-24%, Gastrointestinal-17%, Musculoskeletal-7%, Facial defects-7%, Abdominalwalldefects-5.8%, Chromosomal-3.7%

Conclusion: Prevalence of anamolies was found to be lower in our hospital is 1.21% which is lower than the national average of 2-3% .The present study gave us an idea regarding incidence congenital anomalies and also its relation with associated maternal and fetal factors.  
