Origin of Life: As Depicted in Upanishad and so Far Explained in Science


K. K. Misra


Scientists have generalized three features of life, i.e., able to reproduce, able to grow and able to respond stimuli. On this basis, there are number of experiments to prove that life has originated on Earth from chemical reactions. Scientific exercises resulted in the production of amino acids and components of nucleic acids (such as, some nitrogen bases, polysaccharides and phosphates). All these experiments were successful for spontaneous one step chemical reactions but for the next step. One important aspect that was missing in the research on origin of life is the way internal energy (the Prana as depicted in Upanishad) has evolved within a life form. As per scientific concept, a life form functions so long the membrane potential (energy) of cell exists. Upanishad tells us that existence of Prana in living bodies is in coarse form and could be understood through our five sense organs, while it is present in non-living object in extreme finer form and cannot be realized through senses. The philosophy depicted in Upanishad tells us that Prana (Atma) is present among all and an individual is not separated from others that are everything is one but expression differs. The Prana cannot be introduced within a life from outside rather it inherits from one to other form. Upanishad teaches us that there is dual existence of life (Prana/ Brahma/ Hirannyagarva) in both living and so called non-living world. The paper will analyze this aspect in detail to develop a clear understanding on origin of life. 
