Prevalence of Stress Factors in Nurses in Leady Reading Hospital (LRH), Khyber Teaching Hospital (KTH) and Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC) Hospitals, Peshawar, KPK


Noor Khan
Habib Anwar
Mian Sayed


Background: Nursing is a profession of high stress which effect physical as well as mental health of the nurses. There are a lot of reasons due to which stress is caused among nurses.

Objective: To identify the prevalence of stress factors in nurses in LRH, KTH and HMC Peshawar KPK.

Introduction: The major factors of stress in  nurses are facing death and dying, conflicts with physicians, inadequate preparation to meet emotional needs of patients and their families, lack of support, conflicts with other nurses and supervisors, labour standards and uncertainty concerning treatment.

Method: This study was a descriptive cross sectional study where the prevalence and factors of stress in nurses was identified through a self-administered questionnaire.

Findings: 152 questionnaires were distributed among nurses, 52(34.21%) from LRH, 50(32.89%) from KTH and 50(32.89%) were from HMC. Mostly age of the sample was 25-30 years. Distribution of these nurses, according to their nursing status shows that 138(91%) were charge nurses, and 14(09%) were head nurses. Moreover, among the nurses 77(51%) were single, 72(47%) married, 1(0.1%) divorced and (0.1%) were widows.

Conclusion: In current study, majority of participants that (81%) were agreed that nurses feel stress during their job, while remaining (19%) was not feeling stress during their job.



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